
pricing + packages


unlimited planning assistance
online gallery of images
includes all travel fees up to 50 miles from Searcy, Arkansas

starts at $75

environmental portrait

unlimited planning assistance
online gallery of images
custom GIF
includes all travel fees up to 50 miles from Searcy, Arkansas

starts at $100

product shots

unlimited planning assistance
online gallery of images
includes all travel fees up to 50 miles from Searcy, Arkansas

starts at $150

brand candids

unlimited planning assistance
online gallery of images
custom GIF
includes all travel fees up to 50 miles from Searcy, Arkansas

starts at $300


unlimited planning assistance
online gallery of images
custom GIF
includes all travel fees up to 50 miles from Searcy, Arkansas

starts at $250


Will you travel?

How does payment work?

What is your turn around time?


Will you travel?

of course! it would be my pleasure to follow you along and photograph you in your element! rain or shine, the desert or the tropics, count me in! contact me for more details!

*travel up to 50 miles from Searcy, AR is included in all business + event packages.

How does payment work?

I like to keep it simple! a 50% nonrefundable retainer is required to book your date, and the other 50% is due either before or on the day of your session.
you can pay with cash, Venmo, Cash app, or check.

What is your turn around time?

for business & event sessions, the turn around time is around 1-2 weeks.

This pricing page is a guide line. Prices will adjust to your needs, so don't hesitate to ask! And if your business needs headshots for multiple people, I'll offer a group rate! Let's chat --- CONTACT

A print release will be provided for all business + events collection purchases.